Far out there or over here up close
We find ourselves feeling tired and exhausted
Being creative may seem like a hassle at times
Maybe our creative outlet is draining us constantly
Perhaps we perceive our mundane lives as stale or boring
Places and moments where routine controls us
And yet creativity grows slowly
Manifesting itself as a slow drip
Eroding with patience those barriers that trap us in our fears
In everyday life we express ourselves creatively
You reading this probably have a peculiar way of making your morning coffee
Your washing pattern in the shower is unique
How you go up and down your usual set of stairs
YOUR way of making the fastest breakfast possible when you are in a hurry
The way you arrange your stuff in your bag or inside your car
Through us creativity runs and finds its way out
In those tiny moments that seems insignificant or mechanized, we show a fragment of ourselves
If we have the disposition and genuine desire to explore past that which seems apparent
We will always find that our creative potential is close by
So, take a break and find the ways in which YOU express your creativity in those mundane activities.
A small text that suggests our creativy possibilities are always near us.